August 9, 2013

Silly kids

Over the past several months the Himstedt kids have said some funny things. When I remember I write them down. Here are a few:

Amelia said recently, "One day I'm gonna grow up and have kids." Elizabeth said, "Uh uh, only mamas have kids."

Avery told us all, "You don't know if babies are girls until they get long hair, because they don't have pee pees yet." Huh? (Time for some biology this year in school!)

Elizabeth asked me one week if they were going to have choir in the "sugar room" again. They had changed rooms temporarily and I was wracking my brain for what she meant. Then I remembered the week before they had met in the adult choir suite.

Elizabeth told Shannon one day while they were playing, "I'm the bride and you're the marrier."

I told Avery to go brush his teeth and he asked me seriously why he needed to. I explained that teeth will get cavities and all the usual stuff moms say, then he said, "Well, the toothpaste keeps teeth clean for two years. It says so." I was confused so he went and got the tube, on which was written "For 2 + years." Years OLD Avery, I had to explain, when I stopped laughing.

The kids got a coloring book recently with a complicated geometric patterns on each page. Shannon turned to a page and said, "No one could ever finish this one before they died." I begged to differ, and then he said, "Well they couldn't if they were old."

Avery picked up a container out of the cabinet and said, "This pepper came out of the ground!" Sure enough, it read Pure Ground Black Pepper.

Elizabeth filled up her cup one evening, took a long swig, and said, solemnly, "I hope I don't wet my bed."

We were in on the road recently and the kids saw one of those cell towers the company tries to disguise as a tree. (They're always way too tall and draw your attention twice as much as a plain old cell tower, because you're trying to figure out why that tree looks so weird.) Shannon said, "It looks like a Lego tree." He was right.

One morning at breakfast Elizabeth announced, "I'm going to marry Bennett." (Our friend who is seven years older than her.) Avery says, "No you're not, 'cause by then he's gonna be dead." Looks like we may also need to work on some math.

Dad took us to lunch recently and pulled out a $100 bill at the table to pay with. Not having seen one before, Avery said, "That's fake money." Dad paid with it and Avery was genuinely laughing as we headed to the parking lot. He said, "We tricked them and they took that fake money!" Dad, fearing for his reputation, had to explain to Avery that he didn't really steal the food.

Before we finished school I asked Shannon to write sentences using a couple of different types of punctuation. He said, "I can write a question, I can write an exclamation, but an ellipses....I don't know." He started laughing when I pointed out that he had just used an ellipses to tell me he didn't think he could use an ellipses.

In the car I saw that Elizabeth had her finger in her mouth and was sucking on it, a habit we've been working on breaking for some time, and I asked her to take it out.  She said she wasn't doing it (but she was), so I went on to explain, again, why she needed to stop doing it. She sighed big and said, "WHY are we still arguing about this?" (I know she wishes I would stop talking about it! Like when as a kid I would hear, "This is the last time I'm going to tell you," and I would think, "Good, 'cause I'm tired of hearing it!")

Love those silly kids!

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