June 15, 2009

Elizabeth's party

A short post this time- another one soon to come, if I can ever get around to it! Camp is now in the first week of the first two-week session. Last session was very smooth, a lot of fun for the campers, and great weather-wise as well. The staff is wonderful this summer. We're praying for another great session. I'll post some camp pictures sometime soon.

It's easy to get into the camp bubble where no outside life exists during the summer. We've made a break for it here and there this past week. The kids are STILL getting up every day asking what fun thing we have planned. We've been getting in some good swimming lately, which suits us just fine.

Playgroup last Tuesday was at the neighborhood pool next to our church at the Windmill subdivision. Several church members live in the neighborhood, and one of the playgroup mommies hosted us there. It's a heated pool, which is a plus for me! Growing up we had a pool that was always in the shade and regularly stayed in the low 80's. That's not bad for air temperature, but it's cold for water! No problem back then...but now I'm a weenie. Mostly because I'm always holding a kid in the water and can never get free long enough to kick around and warm myself up enough to stand it if it's chilly.

Elizabeth "swam" too, her first real swim in a pool. She loved it and had a great time splashing and watching the other kids.

She and Tozer started out the morning in the Pack N Play, and entertained each other for awhile.

"Let's see, do you have more teeth than me?"

Avery spent all last summer jumping off of diving boards and kicking across the pool. Somewhere along the way he lost his nerve, and ended up spending most of playgroup sitting on the edge and throwing things in. Alright by me, one less little person to watch in the water.

Amelia picked up where she left off last summer, and does well swimming mostly underwater and coming up for air.

Ah, the chaos of lots of little people in a pool at once. Looks like fun, no?

Tozer is a month younger than Elizabeth but has her beat with the pulling up to standing thing. Isn't he a cutie?

I love to swim!

We were going to have a birthday party for Elizabeth on her actual birthday last Friday, but nearly everyone we knew was out of town. So we replanned it for the next Friday. In the meantime it was decided Thursday night dinner would be (once again) at the Windmill Pool. It was also Lydia D.'s 4th birthday, so we decided to scrap the Friday plan and move it to Thursday for a joint party for both girls. Frankly I was having a tough time getting motivated to buy groceries for a party anyway, since we had only two-week old tea and expired cottage cheese in the fridge. It worked out great doing it this way, although James wasn't able to be a part since it was the last night of the one-week session of camp. (He said to tell her he was the one taking the pictures when she asked where he was in them one day!) :)

Lydia, our fellow partier.

Lydia wanted a princess party, so since Elizabeth didn't have an opinion on her first birthday cake, I did my best to make a castle. The turrets look a bit like psychadelic trees but it tasted pretty good.

A rare photo of me at an event...

Elizabeth had some help blowing out her candle from Dylan P. (I was glad...I was just waiting for her to grab it!)

Hmmm, this looks edible.

It is edible! (I wish I had taken a shot of all the kids standing around her laughing.)

Somebody wanna help me with this?

I'm not sure I like my icing gloves, but since no one will help me guess I'll make the best of it...

She did her part to demolish the GIANT piece of cake Jenny D. cut for her, and was even able to sleep after the sugar high wore off.

It was a good birthday celebration, and friends were sweet to give her gifts as well. She even went home with a princess balloon.

I had fun looking through old photos of the other kids on their first birthdays.

This is before we knew Amelia would be a princess and dress up freak. Perhaps the cake did contribute to her love of pink later on. The large bulge under my shirt would be Shannon, who would make an appearance about 2 1/2 months later.

Everyone at the party gathered 'round to see what she would do since I had been a freak about no sweets up to this point. Ah, the firstborn, the grand experiment! Needless to say, she was a fan of sweets.

Shannon singing Happy Birthday to himself.

He's always been a little sensitive and/or particular about things (smells, hot/cold water, etc.), so this is all we got from him before he was finished. He didn't want to get too messy. He doesn't mind digging into cake now, but he uses a fork.

Avery, on the other hand, had no qualms about digging right in.

It's funny how their personalities are apparent even at one year. He still doesn't mind getting messy, especially when sweets are involved.

I love cake!

This concludes the tour of Birthdays Past and Present. Sometime soon there will be a post about the fun we had this weekend and camp.

So long!

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