November 2, 2008


I can't seem to find a spare second to post another blog entry. I have pictures saved to a blank one right now, so soon I will get around to writing in the details and sending them out into cyberspace for all interested parties to read. Maybe I could post entries more often if I didn't make them so long!

This weekend my mom came to stay while my dad is out of town, so I'm on a mission to accomplish as much as I can on my to-do list that has been put off due to small children under foot/hand/brain. I just finished one of them, catching up on the checkbook. Yeah! It's amazing how I took time for granted in my former childless life. How in the world did I think I couldn't get stuff done back then? What was I doing with all that time? I'm pretty sure I cleaned the house a lot more in those days. I used to have high standards in the house straightening/cleaning I'm just happy if there aren't flies buzzing around the trash can and everyone has at least one clean pair of underwear. :) It hasn't been easy to let go of that which was once important- but in it's place I've easily embraced four little things which are much MORE important! Two days ago Avery said, "Floor's yucky," while making a curled up lip face. When a two year old notices, perhaps it's time to work in a good cleaning. Or hire a cleaning lady. Yeah, that would be incredible....

While I'm rambling, can I just say that church was awesome this morning? Just what I needed. God is good!

On that note, have a terrific, blessed day.

1 comment:

Mama D! said...

We also really enjoyed church. Wasn't he a breath of frest air on such a Sunday as this?!